Start the day right

Morning prayers at Taizé. It's not even high season yet, and there are thousands of people here ... the (enormous) church was full last night and this morning. The singing was as enchanting as I'd always been told; this is one place that really lives up to expectations, and then some.

Taizé is famous for the singing, and rightly so. But what I've heard less about is the silence, which is a hugely important part of the experience. Walking into the church we're 'greeted' by dozens of young volunteers holding huge signs reading 'Silence' - just as a friendly reminder. The church itself is kept impressively quiet, considering the huge number of young people here. And each service includes a long (long!) period of silence after the reading.

For me, that silence, but shared silence, has been a real gift. Sitting quietly for an hour is good. But sitting in silence with other people for an hour: heavenly.


  1. Sounds idyllic

  2. Madeleine Wang4 July 2024 at 18:35

    Chris, I forgot to say who I am. To be able to be silent in prayer without meditation, I mean actively silent in prayer for me, necessitates an environment (people and place) to be 'like minded' - if you know what I mean. I was fascinated by the way you described your experience, which I perceive it as heavenly. Thank you so much for all your posts. I am getting to feel my way on this journey too.


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