Aidan's rest

A few people had suggested that I visit Bamburgh Castle while travelling up the northeast coast, so I headed over that way from Alnmouth - forgetting that it's a bank holiday weekend. The town and castle were heaving with people, despite the strong winds left over from Storm Lilian, and after a week of camping in the woods and praying in churches it was more noise and bustle than I could cope with.

I looked down the road from the castle and pulled over to peruse the map, ready to pick the next stop. As I got off the bike I noticed a church opposite with a big 'Open' sign outside, the kind of invitation I try not to resist.

Everyone had told me about the castle, but no-one had thought to mention St Aidan's Church. As I quickly discovered, it's not called St Aidan's as a dedication but because he built the original church and ministered here. It's one of the key sites in the Northumbrian Christian story, and a wonderful place for a pilgrim to call in. 

The photo shows the marvellous shrine to Aidan in the chancel (Aidan is said to have died leaning against the church wall - I've been to one or two services like that before - and was buried somewhere in the grounds). There was a great deal on display here about Aidan, Oswald and the Northumbrian saints' story. But it was also a place in which people were clearly expected and welcome to pray, so I sat for a good while and joined in with the millennium and a half of praying life that has marked this place. It was a joy. 

Out in the churchyard was the grave and monument of Grace Darling who, as a young woman rowed out into a vicious storm one night (along with her father), risking her life to save sailors from a wrecked ship. She was celebrated nationally in the Victorian newspapers because her courage was "equal to that of the bravest man". She sounds amazing, although I hope that these days we might be able to come up with a better description of her incredible valour!


  1. So glad you didn't follow St Aidan on his final journey though I can picture you leaning against a wall, sleeping...😘

    1. All I can say is ... that picture came true in real life! 😴

  2. Louise Taylor-Kenyon29 August 2024 at 08:31

    Thank you! I am the vicar of St Aidan's (plus St Mary's Belford and St Hilda's Lucker) - it's great to know you were here, although it's a pity no-one mentioned St Aidan's in advance! May we use some of this in our parish magazine?

  3. Wow, thanks for sharing. Definitely need to visit here en route to Holy Island for Holy Week and Easter next year.


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